Top 5 Time Tracking Software Tips for Increasing Transparency in Your Team

Richard Riedel
7 min readAug 20, 2021
Time tracking software tips

Without transparency at your organization, there will likely be confusion and a lack of clarity in the efficiency of individuals and groups. You will not know the amount of time spent on specific tasks or different tasks assigned to them.

Hence, offering support and guidance is almost impossible; causing you to lose track of your team. You’d just have to trust them to utilize their time wisely, and complete tasks of important Rome by themselves.

With time tracking software, this does not have to be the case. It is a type of software that computes the efficiency with which an individual or group of employees completed a specific set of tasks or tasks assigned to them. You can monitor all of your performance and see where time is being spent on specific tasks by using time tracking software. As a result, worrying about the status of your projects will be a thing of the past.

You will want to follow the following important tips for managing your team with time tracking software in a way that increases efficiency and transparency if you are an individual or a group tasked with monitoring the team’s performance and progress. Transparency will grow your company by instilling a culture of accountability, effectiveness, and efficiency. Try out these suggestions.

Check out the top 5 tips for increasing team transparency:

Keep track of all employee’s activities:

Track the time spent on specific tasks completed by individuals or groups of employees to ensure transparency in your team. Monitor every activity on projects or tasks at a micro-level as well, so that progress and status can be seen at a glance. By visualizing tasks in a timeline, you can interact directly with employees and address individual issues using time tracking software. It ensures that quality time is spent on specific tasks, that applications are only used for work-related activities during business hours, that applications are not running in the background, and that they are active.

Understanding the valid employee’s working time division regarding specific tasks promotes transparent evaluation of a project’s Key Performance Indicator (KPI) and commitment to organizational specifications. Tracking software allows you to monitor, record, and view an employee’s computer tasks. When used properly, time tracking software is an excellent tool for tracking time spent by different individuals, making it a great tool for productivity, process improvement, and accountability.

Use Timesheets:

It becomes more difficult to monitor what everyone is doing and where employees are spending their work time as a team grows in size. A lack of understanding of what individuals do on a daily basis can cause your team to be wasteful and inefficient. To avoid this, have employees fill out timesheets on a daily basis, recording the tasks they are working on at every instant or hour they are in the workplace.

By increasing an individual’s productivity and credibility, timesheets provide an easy solution to issues that can stymie company growth and help reduce inefficiency. Employee timesheets provide an easy way to make significant changes to how your organization operates. They can take the form of paper forms that each employee keeps on hand or on their desks at the end of the day, online documents that employees fill out on a daily basis, or automated and powerful online software that runs in the background and tracks what individuals are working on.

Timesheets, which allow employees to divide tasks according to the project and make billing simple, are among the best time tracking software programs. Timesheets enable you to track working hours on the job site or in the office. It has a control panel that displays real-time data to help you manage employee working hours.

If there is a payroll issue, timesheets can be used to verify your employees’ working hours. Managers will have the tools they need to efficiently control their employees’ attendance if they use effective time tracking software. With Timesheet, you can keep a detailed record of all employees’ attendance.

Pay for how much work is done:

Contrast the estimated and actual working hours. Pay only for productivity hours to employees who work longer than the required time, and do the same for remote employees.

To remain relevant, you must ensure that the fee you charge a client is greater than the cost of completing the project. The only way to determine costs is to calculate the number of hours spent on the project. This is where time management software comes in handy. Many businesses fail to recognize that some projects they undertake are ineffective unless they use a time tracking tool.

Time tracking software assists in estimating the duration of each task for customers, resulting in the most transparent and error-free bill. This helps to establish trust with clients while also ensuring that you charge appropriately for the time spent. You can use a time tracker to determine the accuracy and productivity of time spent by any employee for transparent journals and to ensure labor principles are followed.

Manage employee payroll problems easily:

Unexpected errors in payment processing are the most difficult phase in any organization. In some cases, no matter how precise the manual work is, errors will occur. A time tracker reduces the amount of work required by the payroll department while providing accurate results such as working hours, attendance, and so on. It provides operational insights, such as tasks that consume a significant amount of your employees’ time.

Managing a business entails staying on top of various areas such as troubleshooting, customer service, operations, finance, and so on. Controlling the most important business resources, people and time, is difficult when everything is happening at once.

Employers can use time tracking software to create a traceable workflow for payroll approval. It takes a long time to record employee timesheets, participation, and prepare payrolls. If not done correctly, it can be extremely expensive. Companies lose a lot of money every year as a result of inaccurate time tracking and payroll. This can be remedied by utilizing the appropriate time tracking software, such as The app is exciting for companies that focus on task orientation and monitoring, according to Ronald Kluger.

Constant timesheet support has simplified payroll processing. It tracks employees’ working periods on a regular basis and generates a clear working duration report for each employee. As a result, assisting the HR department in calculating wages by minimizing inaccuracies in the process, such as in 500HRIS. Employers who use time tracking software can save an average of 5.8 percent on total payroll expenses when they run payroll.

Effective planning and budgeting:

Budgets are notoriously difficult to forecast. Without budget tracking, you can’t be sure that your team is allocating the correct amount of resources to each task based on their priority. Supervising a project’s budget is a big responsibility because you have to control risk, coordinate costs, and make sure budget expenses are kept to a minimum.

Running out of money and overspending are common outcomes of poor budget coordination. Accurate budget tracking allows you to remain accountable and transparent to associates by explaining how resources are used.

Employers can have a standard project rate, making it simple to account for contractors added to the team.

Budget tracking in a manual tracker like Excel can be time-consuming due to manual data entry, making it prone to human error. The use of computerized tracking software allows you to automatically offset and track all projects at a glance. It categorizes budget expenses based on tasks assigned, project periods, and employee workflow.

Balance your workflow with an exact agenda that includes project quotes, resource data, work estimates, deadlines, timelines, and so on for credibility. A time tracking software allows you to keep track of employees and organize project budgets by sending reminders when they are behind schedule.


Make certain that no task, employee, or team ever falls into the trap of being unproductive, or that they allow their tasks to overrun their schedule and fall by the wayside. You can use a tool like Clockly by 500apps to transform how you track your employees’ and teams’ tasks and productivity while receiving employee progress updates. Finally, you can see the big picture and understand why Clockly is assisting managers in reclaiming lost time and resources. You never want to pay for time wasted whittling away the hours or time wasted on non-productive efforts that don’t result in work product.

